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Identities Management

Manage identity data related to users, groups and roles from your Talend Cloud account.

Service Accounts

Manage service accounts and their permissions.



Manage the connections used by the datasets.


A crawler allows you to retrieve a full list of assets contained in a connection, in a single operation. Manage crawlers to retrieve data at a large scale and enrich your inventory more efficiently.


Execution History Search

Retrive execution history by filtering on the fields such as time period, workspaces while exluding plan execution tasks.


Audit Logs

Load your account’s audit logs for monitoring activities on Talend Cloud applications, ensuring data security and managing regulatory compliance risks.

Ip Allowlist

Create and alter client IP allowlists, to restrict the access to Talend Cloud to only trusted IP addresses.


With service accounts, you are enabled to use the OAuth2 Client Credentials Flow for accessing Talend Cloud APIs. This service account specific token is more secure than the personal access tokens typically used by a user.
It is recommended to use service accounts along with their access tokens to issue API calls, when a specific user does not need to be involved in these calls.

Workspace Permissions

Control and manage your users detailed permissions upon Workspaces and Engines.

SSO Role Mapping

Create and alter the role mappings, to assign automatically Talend roles to your SSO users.

Other APIs


Manage the datasources referenced in Talend Cloud applications and the configuration and metadata associated to these datasources (attributes, data types, data quality).


Manage your Artifacts, Tasks, Plans, Schedules, Environments, Workspaces, Promotions and all associated Ressources


Configure Engines and Clusters, manage and browse executions of your Tasks, Plans and Promotions.


Manage how your users and groups can access your Talend Cloud entities.


Manage your users and groups using SCIM 2.0.

Seats and Subscription

Retrieve information details on your subscription and its usage accross Talend Apps.