Duplicating a schedule

Since a schedule can be associated to only one task or plan, duplicate this schedule to reuse it with other tasks or plans.

Before you begin

  • Generate an access token:
    • For users, generate a personal access token. For further information, see Generating a Personal Access Token.
    • For service accounts, generate a service account token. For further information about how to generate a service account token, see Generating a service account token. Once generated, a service account token expires after 30 minutes. If it expires, generate a new token using the POST method at the endpoint https://api.{env}.cloud.talend.com/security/oauth/token.


  1. Clone the schedule using the following API request:

    All triggers are duplicated to the new schedule. The new one is renamed with this naming convention: copy of the original schedule name.

    method: POST
    endpoint: https://api.<env>.cloud.talend.com/orchestration/schedules/<scheduleId>
    headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
          "Authorization": "Bearer <your_personal_access_token_or_service_account_token>"
    payload: N/A


Now you can safely perform the following operations:

  1. manage changes: clone the schedule assigned to your task or plan, make updates to that copy, simulate events and when ready, unassign the original schedule, assign this copy to your task or plan
  2. keep schedule versions for rollback or history purposes
  3. reuse and adapt existing schedules for other tasks or plans