Ip Allowlist

Create and alter client IP allowlists, to restrict the access to Talend Cloud to only trusted IP addresses.
Apache License Version 2.0


Global security

These security schemes apply to the entire API

Security scheme

This scheme can be referenced across the API

Bearer authentication
Name Description
Format Bearer <TOKEN>
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
Authorization string Optional

Retrieve IP allowlist configuration

GET /security/ip-allowlist



Query parameters
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
detailed Detail or not the IP allowlist configuration boolean Optional


200Status 200
The IP Allowlist configuration was successfully retrieved.
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid. The cause could vary.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The IP Allowlist configuration was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Update IP allowlist configuration

PUT /security/ip-allowlist





200Status 200
The IP Allowlist configuration was successfully updated.
400Status 400
The request URI or the request body was invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
402Status 402
Action cannot be performed because it would bring your account above the limit allowed by your plan.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The IP Allowlist configuration was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Delete IP allowlist configuration

DELETE /security/ip-allowlist



204Status 204
The IP Allowlist configuration was successfully deleted. The IP Validation is not executed anymore when an account tries to access Talend Cloud.
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Create a new IP allowlist configuration

POST /security/ip-allowlist





201Status 201
IP Allowlist configuration was successfully created. If the IP allowlist configuration has been created with the parameter “enabled” set to “true”, the IP Validation is immediately on when an account tries to access Talend Cloud.
400Status 400
The request body is invalid. The cause could vary.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
409Status 409
More information is provided about why the creation ended up in conflict.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Enable or disable IP allowlist configuration

PATCH /security/ip-allowlist





200Status 200
The IP Allowlist configuration was successfully enabled or disabled.
400Status 400
The request URI or the request body is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
402Status 402
Action cannot be performed because it would bring your account above the limit allowed by your plan.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
IP Allowlist configuration was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Retrieve all the IPs from your IP allowlist

GET /security/ip-allowlist/ips



200Status 200
The IPs were successfully retrieved.
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of IpEntry
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Add new IPs to the IP allowlist

POST /security/ip-allowlist/ips



Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of IpEntry
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples


201Status 201
The IPs were successfully created.
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of IpEntry
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
400Status 400
The request body is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
409Status 409
More information is provided about why the creation ended up in conflict
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Update a set of IPs on your IP allowlist

PUT /security/ip-allowlist/ips
You need to provide the IDs of the IPs to be updated in your request.



Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of IpEntry
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples


200Status 200
The IPs were successfully updated.
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of IpEntry
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
400Status 400
The request URI or the request body was invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
402Status 402
Action cannot be performed because it would bring your account above the limit allowed by your plan.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
At least one IP to be updated was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Update a specific IP in your IP allowlist

PUT /security/ip-allowlist/ips/{ipEntryId}
Find an IP on your IP allowlist by its ID and update this IP with the new address your provide in your request



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
ipEntryId Id of the ip entry string Required


200Status 200
The IP was successfully updated.
400Status 400
The request URI or the request body was invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
402Status 402
Action cannot be performed because it would bring your account above the limit allowed by your plan.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The IP entry to be updated was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Delete a specific ID from your IP allowlist

DELETE /security/ip-allowlist/ips/{ipEntryId}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
ipEntryId Id of the ip entry string Required


204Status 204
The IP Entry was successfully deleted. The access to Talend Cloud from this deleted IP is forbidden.
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Retrieve a specific IP by its ID on the IP allowlist

GET /security/ip-allowlist/ips/{ipEntryId}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
ipEntryId Id of the ip entry string Required


200Status 200
The IP was successfully retrieved.
400Status 400
The request URI was invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The IP was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.


Name Description Type Attributes and examples
description Description of the IP allowlist configuration string Optional
enabled Boolean indicating if the IP allowlist feature is enabled or disabled boolean Required
ips array of IpEntry Optional
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
array List of ip entries


Name Description Type Attributes and examples
enabled Boolean indicating if the IP allowlist feature is enabled or disabled boolean Required


Name Description Type Attributes and examples
description Description of the ip entry string Required
ip Allowed ip string Required
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