Assigning workspace permissions to a service account

Assign workspace permissions to a service account so that it could run tasks that belong to the related workspace.

Before you begin

About this task

In this section, the following API call is issued:

method: POST
endpoint: https://api.<env>{workspaceId}/service-accounts/{serviceAccountId}/permissions
headers: {
 "Content-Type": "application/json",
 "Authorization": "Bearer <your_personal_access_token>"
payload: ["EXECUTE"]

It is implemented in Talend API Tester for demonstration purposes.


  1. Select POST from the Method list and in the field aside, enter the endpoint to be used: https://api.<env>{workspaceId}/service-accounts/{serviceAccountId}/permissions and replace the placeholders with the correct values:

    Parameter Value
    workspaceId Workspace for which you want to assign permissions. You can find the workspace ID with a GET request on https://api.<env> It also appears in Talend Cloud Management Console, in the URL of the Edit workspace page, after /worspaces/edit.
    serviceAccountId Service account to which you want to assign workspace permissions. The ID is randomly generated upon the creation of this service account. If you did not keep a copy of this ID, call GET /service-accounts to get list of all service accounts and find the one to be used.

    assign workspace permissions to service account

  2. Click Add header twice to add two rows and enter the following key:value pairs.

    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer <your_personal_access_token>
  3. In the BODY area, enter workspace permission to be assigned to this service account. In this example, the Execute permission is assigned.

  4. Send the request.


The permission is granted and the status code 201 is returned.