Identities Management

Manage identity data related to users, groups and roles from your Talend Cloud account.
Apache License Version 2.0


Global security

These security schemes apply to the entire API

Security scheme

This scheme can be referenced across the API

Bearer authentication
Name Description
Format Bearer <TOKEN>
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
Authorization string Optional


Register a new group

POST /account/groups





201Status 201
New group was successfully registered.
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
Location string Optional
400Status 400
The request body is invalid. The cause could vary. For example, at least one user in the list provided cannot be found.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
409Status 409
The group name is already used.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Retrieve a list of filtered groups

GET /account/groups



Query parameters
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
nameFilter Name of the entity to be retrieved string Optional
page Number of the page to be returned. If you put 2, the second page of the query result is returned. integer Optional
size Number of retrieved entities on each page. The range is from 1 to 100. integer Optional


200Status 200
Groups was successfully retrieved.
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
page-first Whether the current page is the first page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-number Current page number integer Optional
total-elements Total number of elements that can be retrieved via API integer Optional
total-pages Number of pages integer Optional
page-last Whether the current page is the last page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-total-elements Number of audit logs in the current page integer Optional
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of Group
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Retrieve details of a specific group

GET /account/groups/{id}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id Group id string Required


200Status 200
The group was successfully retrieved
400Status 400
The request URI was invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The group was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Delete a group

DELETE /account/groups/{id}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id Group id string Required


204Status 204
The group was successfully deleted.
400Status 400
The request URI was invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Rename a group

PATCH /account/groups/{id}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id Group id string Required


200Status 200
Group was successfully renamed.
400Status 400
The payload was invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header is missing or the provided token is incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The group was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Retrieve users of a specific group

GET /account/groups/{id}/users



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id Group id string Required
Query parameters
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
page Number of the page to be returned. If you put 2, the second page of the query result is returned. integer Optional
size Number of retrieved entities on each page. The range is from 1 to 100. integer Optional


200Status 200
Users were successfully retrieved from given group
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
page-first Whether the current page is the first page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-number Current page number integer Optional
total-elements Total number of elements that can be retrieved via API integer Optional
total-pages Number of pages integer Optional
page-last Whether the current page is the last page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-total-elements Number of audit logs in the current page integer Optional
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of UserResponse
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
400Status 400
Request URI was invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The group was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Assign users to a group if not already in it

POST /account/groups/{id}/users



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id Group id string Required
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of string
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples


200Status 200
Users were successfully assigned to the group.
400Status 400
The request or the payload was invalid. For example, at least one user in the list provided does not exist.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The group was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Remove a user from a specific group

DELETE /account/groups/{id}/users/{userId}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id Group id string Required
userId User id string Required


204Status 204
The user was successfully removed.
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The group was not found.
500Status 500
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.


Name Description Type Attributes and examples
name Name of the group string Required
userIds array of string Optional
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
array List of user ids belonging to the group


Name Description Type Attributes and examples
name Name of the group string Required


Create a new user

POST /account/users



Query parameters
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
invite Send invitation email to user boolean Optional
admin Assign admin roles to user string Optional


201Status 201
The user was successfully created.
400Status 400
The request body is invalid. The cause could vary.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
402Status 402
Action cannot be performed because it would bring your account above the limit allowed by your plan.
409Status 409
Provides more information about why the creation ended up in conflict
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Retrieve users

GET /account/users



Query parameters
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
page Number of the page to be returned. If you put 2, the second page of the query result is returned. integer Optional
size Number of retrieved entities on each page. The range is from 1 to 100. integer Optional


200Status 200
Users are retrieved successfully in the requested. range.
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
page-first Whether the current page is the first page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-number Current page number integer Optional
total-elements Total number of elements that can be retrieved via API integer Optional
total-pages Number of pages integer Optional
page-last Whether the current page is the last page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-total-elements Number of audit logs in the current page integer Optional
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of UserResponse
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
400Status 400
The request body is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Delete a user

DELETE /account/users/{id}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id User id string Required


204Status 204
The user was successfully deleted.
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Retrieve user details

GET /account/users/{id}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id User id string Required


200Status 200
The user was successfully retrieved.
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid. The cause could vary.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The user was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Update a user

PUT /account/users/{id}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id User id string Required


200Status 200
The user was successfully updated.
400Status 400
The request URI or the request body was invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
402Status 402
Action cannot be performed because it would bring your account above the limit allowed by your plan.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The user was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Add a specific user to the specified groups

POST /account/users/{id}/groups



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id User id string Required
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of string
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples


200Status 200
The user was successfully added to the specified groups.
400Status 400
The provided data is not correct. Ensure that all the specified groups exist.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The user was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

List the groups to which a specific user belongs

GET /account/users/{id}/groups



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id User id string Required
Query parameters
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
nameFilter Name of the entity to be retrieved string Optional
page Number of the page to be returned. If you put 2, the second page of the query result is returned. integer Optional
size Number of retrieved entities on each page. The range is from 1 to 100. integer Optional


200Status 200
The list of user groups were successfully retrieved in the requested range.
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
page-first Whether the current page is the first page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-number Current page number integer Optional
total-elements Total number of elements that can be retrieved via API integer Optional
total-pages Number of pages integer Optional
page-last Whether the current page is the last page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-total-elements Number of audit logs in the current page integer Optional
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of Group
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid. The cause could vary.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The user was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Remove a given user from a specific group

DELETE /account/users/{id}/groups/{groupId}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id User id string Required
groupId Group id string Required


204Status 204
The user was successfully removed.
400Status 400
The request URI was invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The user was not found.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Assign roles to a specific user

POST /account/users/{id}/roles



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id User id string Required
The format to be used is ["role_id_1","role_id_2"].
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of string
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
array The format to be used is ["role_id_1","role_id_2"].


200Status 200
The roles were successfully assigned to the specified user.
400Status 400
The request body is invalid. The cause could vary. For example, at least one role in the list provided was not found.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
402Status 402
Action cannot be performed because it would bring your account above the limit allowed by your plan.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The user was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

List the roles assigned to a specific user

GET /account/users/{id}/roles



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id User id string Required
Query parameters
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
page Number of the page to be returned. If you put 2, the second page of the query result is returned. integer Optional
size Number of retrieved entities on each page. The range is from 1 to 100. integer Optional


200Status 200
The user roles were successfully retrieved in the requested range.
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
page-first Whether the current page is the first page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-number Current page number integer Optional
total-elements Total number of elements that can be retrieved via API integer Optional
total-pages Number of pages integer Optional
page-last Whether the current page is the last page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-total-elements Number of audit logs in the current page integer Optional
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of Role
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The user was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Revoke a role from a specific user

DELETE /account/users/{id}/roles/{roleId}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id User id string Required
roleId Role id string Required


204Status 204
The role was successfully removed.
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The user was not found
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.


Name Description Type Attributes and examples
active Boolean indicating if the user is active boolean Optional
email Email of the user string Required
firstName First name of the user string Required
lastName Last name of the user string Required
login Login of the user string Required
password Password of the user string Optional
phone Phone of the user string Optional
preferredLanguage Preferred language of the user string Optional
roleIds array of string Optional
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
array List of roles ids for the user
timezone Timezone of the user string Optional
title Title of the user string Optional


Name Description Type Attributes and examples
active Boolean indicating if the user is active boolean Optional
email Email of the user string Optional
firstName First name of the user string Optional
lastName Last name of the user string Optional
login Login of the user string Optional
phone Phone of the user string Optional
preferredLanguage Preferred language of the user string Optional
roleIds array of string Optional
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
array List of roles ids for the user
timezone Timezone of the user string Optional
title Title of the user string Optional


Register a new role

POST /account/roles





201Status 201
Role was successfully registered
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
Location string Optional
400Status 400
The request body is invalid. The cause could vary. For example, at least one permission in the list provided was not found.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
409Status 409
The role name is already used.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Retrieve a list of filtered roles

GET /account/roles

Use cases



Query parameters
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
nameFilter Name of the entity to be retrieved string Optional
page Number of the page to be returned. If you put 2, the second page of the query result is returned. integer Optional
size Number of retrieved entities on each page. The range is from 1 to 100. integer Optional


200Status 200
Roles were successfully retrieved.
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
page-first Whether the current page is the first page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-number Current page number integer Optional
total-elements Total number of elements that can be retrieved via API integer Optional
total-pages Number of pages integer Optional
page-last Whether the current page is the last page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-total-elements Number of audit logs in the current page integer Optional
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of Role
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Get a role by its id

GET /account/roles/{id}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id Role id string Required


200Status 200
Role was successfully retrieved.
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The role was not found.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Delete a role

DELETE /account/roles/{id}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id Role id string Required


204Status 204
The role was successfully deleted.
400Status 400
The request URI is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Update a role

PUT /account/roles/{id}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id Role id string Required


200Status 200
The role was successfully updated.
400Status 400
The request body is invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The role was not found.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Assign role to users

POST /account/roles/{id}/users



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id Role id string Required
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of string
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples


204Status 204
Users were successfully updated.
400Status 400
The request body is invalid. The cause could vary, fore example, at least one user was not found.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
402Status 402
Action cannot be performed because it would bring your account above the limit allowed by your plan.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The role was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Retrieve users with a specific role

GET /account/roles/{id}/users



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id Role id string Required
Query parameters
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
page Number of the page to be returned. If you put 2, the second page of the query result is returned. integer Optional
size Number of retrieved entities on each page. The range is from 1 to 100. integer Optional


200Status 200
The role users were successfully retrieved.
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
page-first Whether the current page is the first page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-number Current page number integer Optional
total-elements Total number of elements that can be retrieved via API integer Optional
total-pages Number of pages integer Optional
page-last Whether the current page is the last page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not boolean Optional
page-total-elements Number of audit logs in the current page integer Optional
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of UserResponse
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
400Status 400
The request is invalid
401Status 401
IThe system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The role was not found.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Remove a specific role from a given user

DELETE /account/roles/{id}/users/{userId}



Path variables
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
id Role id string Required
userId User id string Required


204Status 204
The role was successfully removed.
400Status 400
The request URI was invalid.
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
403Status 403
The system failed to authorize the user. The provided token was recognized but did not have the rights to perform the action. Contact your security administrator to get the appropriate rights.
404Status 404
The role is not found.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.


Name Description Type Attributes and examples
name Name of the role string Required
permissions array of string Optional
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
array List of permissions associated with the role


Get information about me

GET /account/me
Returns information about authenticated caller (user or service account).


200Status 200
Current user or service account has been successfully retrieved
401Status 401
The system failed to authenticate the user. Either the Authorization header was missing or the provided token was incorrect.
429Status 429
Too many requests were sent. Check the X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining and X-RateLimit-Reset headers.
500Status 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.


User or service account returned by Me endpoint
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
type Type of the resource string Required
id Id of the resource string Required
login Login of the user (user only) string Optional
firstName First name of the user (user only) string Optional
lastName Last name of the user (user only) string Optional
middleName Middle name of the user (user only) string Optional
name Name of resource string Required
email Email of the user (user only) string Optional
preferredLanguage Preferred language of the user (user only) string Optional
timezone Timezone of the user (user only) string Optional
active Status of the user (user only) boolean Optional
permissions array of string Optional
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
array Permissions of the service account (service account only)
roles array of Role Optional
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
array Roles of the user (user only)
accountId Account id of the user (user only) string Optional
applications array of string Optional
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
array Applications of the user (user only)
lastModified Last modified date of the resource string Required
createdDate Created date of the resource string Required
lastSetPasswordDate Last set password date of the user (user only) string Optional
lastLoginAttempt Last login attempt (user only) string Optional
title Title of the user (user only) string Optional
phone Phone of the user (user only) string Optional
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