Audit Logs

Load your account’s audit logs for monitoring activities on Talend Cloud applications, ensuring data security and managing regulatory compliance risks.
Apache License Version 2.0


Global security

These security schemes apply to the entire API

Security scheme

This scheme can be referenced across the API

Bearer authentication
Name Description
Format Bearer <TOKEN>
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
Authorization string Required

Return audit logs for current account with the latest date on top

GET /security/audit/logs
Return audit logs about the events triggered within the hot period defined by your license. With the latest timestamp on top, the results are paginated with the page number and page size parameters. The pagination information is part of the response header. The status codes explained on this page are the codes used by the Audit log API. If you need information about the HTTP status codes that appear in the body of your audit logs, see


Query parameters
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
fromDate Lower bound of the date window (ISO 8601 datetime format). Specifying this parameter will return audit logs from this date to toDate parameter if present or to current date otherwise. fromDate parameter must be before current date. If format is not as expected, if fromDate is after current date or if fromDate is after toDate, status 400 BAD REQUEST is returned. If fromDate is before current date minus hot period duration, current date minus hot period duration is used instead. If fromDate is not specified and fromId is specified, fromId is used to define the oldest log to return. Otherwise, current date minus hot period duration is used. datetime Optional
fromId Lower bound of the log window (UUID). Specifying this parameter will return audit logs from a specific id to toDate if present, or current date otherwise. If the id doesn’t exist, an empty array is returned. If format is not as expected, status 400 BAD REQUEST is returned. If fromDate and fromId are both specified with valid values, fromId is ignored and fromDate is used to define the oldest log to return. string Optional
page Page number starting from 1. string Optional
size Number of logs returned per page. The maximum value is 1000. string Optional
toDate Upper bound of the date window (ISO 8601 datetime format). Specifying this parameter will return audit logs from fromDate if present, or from fromId if present, or from current date minus period hot duration otherwise, to toDate. If format is not as expected or if toDate is before fromDate, status 400 BAD REQUEST si returned. If toDate if after current date, current date is used instead. datetime Optional
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
Authorization Bearer {your personal access token} string Required
[Bb]earer .+


200Status 200
Logs have been retrieved for the current account
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
page-first Whether the current page is the first page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not. boolean Optional
page-number Current page number integer Optional
total-elements Total number of audit logs retrievable using the API integer Optional
total-pages Number of pages integer Optional
page-last Whether the current page is the last page: “true” if it is and “false” if it is not. boolean Optional
page-total-elements Number of audit logs in the current page integer Optional
Name Description Type Attributes and examples
array of AuditLog
Datatype details
Type Description Attributes and examples
400Status 400
Wrong parameter format
401Status 401
Not authenticated
403Status 403
User has insufficient permission (Security Administrator role is required) or support level is too low (Platinum or Mission Critical are required)
404Status 404
Not Found
429Status 429
Too many requests within a certain timeframe
500Status 500
Internal server error


Name Description Type Attributes and examples
timestamp Datetime when the log has been registered (Iso 8601 datetime) datetime Optional
logId Unique log id (UUID) string Optional
requestId Unique request id (UUID) string Optional
applicationId Application id string Optional
eventCategory Event category string Optional
eventType Event type string Optional
eventOperation Event operation string Optional
clientIp Ip address of the client. The field can contain multiple IPs in case of forgery attempt or multiple public proxies string Optional
userId Technical user id string Optional
username Username string Optional
email User email string Optional
request AuditLogRequest Optional
response AuditLogResponse Optional


Name Description Type Attributes and examples
url Request URL string Optional
method Request method string Optional
userAgent Request user agent string Optional
body Request body string Optional


Name Description Type Attributes and examples
code Response HTTP status code. For more information, see string Optional
body Response body string Optional
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